Tag Archives: thoughts

Pretty little purls, slick little stitches

I’m beginning to become a fan of compartmentalizing. The latest is this, my newest in a family of blogs scattered about the web that relate to dancing and life in general (one for the more mundane events and one for deeper reflections, frustrations and other forms of navelgazing). Its focus is crafting.

I craft somewhat obsessively and want to write about it, but my crafting entries don’t exactly fit the themes of any of my other blogs. So, I either end up not writing them or mentioning my crafting only obliquely when it relates to some bigger reflection. This means that details and photos of projects get lost and buried in a way that I’d rather they didn’t.

So, I’m starting something focused around crafting, in a place with a friendly UI and easy integration with other web applications that I actually use. Expect details of my many craft projects and experiences and thoughts about crafting. Do NOT expect details about my personal life. Those are elsewhere.

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